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Yussupov Palace photo:Deeg

Yussupow Palace

This fine palace is a little outside of the city centre. A visit to former town house of Prince Yussupov on the Moika is nevertheless worthwhile – not just because of the Rasputin myth. You can round off your visit with a walk to the picturesque Nikolaus Cathedral and the surrounding district of Kolomna, or with an evening at the Mariinski Theatre, only five minutes on foot.



“Around the world in an afternoon” might be the motto of the Kunstkammer, as the ‘Museum for Anthropology and Ethnography’ is known. Every continent except Europe is represented in the rooms, although, since this Russia’s oldest museum is currently undergoing extensive renovation, some cultures or continents might be temporarily inaccessible.

Museum of 700 years of St. Petersburg (photo: ug/.rufo)

700 years of St. Petersburg - Landskrona, Nevskoye Ustye, Nienshanz

This luxury class museum housed in a gleaming new business centre is dedicated to the local history of the city's founding in 1703, at a time when the Neva estuary was inhabited by a mix of Finnish and Slavic groups and even German settlers, and was under Swedish rule.

Museum of the Blockade (foto:ld/rufo)

Museum of the Blockade

Twentieth century St. Petersburg went through a lot: revolutions, civil war and Stalinist terror. But the 900-day long siege by German troops in the 2nd World War was by far the harshest trial. This museum dedicated to the defence and blockade of Leningrad provides a memorable picture of the desperate position the city was in between May 1941 and January 1944.

Dostoyevski Museum/foto:Deeg

Dostoyevski Museum

In the midst of the lively district by the Vladimir Church, beside Kusnetchny Market, is the memorial museum for Fyodor Dostoyevski. He spent the last years of his life in this typical tenement building, and died here in 1881.

Hermitage/photo: Deeg


The “State Hermitage" is in every respect a museum of superlatives: It encompasses three million art exhibits from ancient times to the present day – distributed among approx. 1000 rooms in seven palaces. Alone a list of the painters on show here induces diziness: Dürer, da Vinci, Tizian, Rembrandt, Cezanne, Monet, van Gogh, Picasso ...

Peter’s Cabin /photo: Deeg

Peter the Great’s Cabin

Peter the Great’s Cabin is St. Petersburg’s oldest building. It was completed 10 days after the city was founded. At that time, only the foundations of the Peter-Paul fortress stood, and the rest of the Neva delta was covered in dense forest.

Yelagin Palace (foto: ld/.rufo)

Yelagin Palace

The conversion of the Yelagin palace in 1818-22 was the classicist architect Carlo Rossi’s first independent commission. Only later did he achieve fame with his coherent architectural ensembles – and today he counts as one of Petersburg’s master builders. The palace is set amid a park dotted with ponds that invite you to linger by their calm waters.

Kirov Museum/foto:Deeg

Kirov Museum

Sergei Mironovich Kirow (real name Kostrykov) was one of the most famous leading members of the Soviet Communist Party. His fame, however, derives less from the high-ranking positions he held, than the dreadful political consequences of his murder.

Naval Museum/photo: Deeg

Naval Museum

The “Central Museum of the Russian Navy” on the Strelka is one of Russia’s oldest and most important museums. It was founded in 1805 during the reign of Alexander I, and even then it could draw on a sizeable collection dating from Peter the Great’s times.

Marble Palace /foto:Deeg

Marble Palace

Like many of Petersburg’s palaces, the Marble Palace on the banks of the Neva boasts a dramatic history. What is now a branch of the Russian Museum was originally a present from Catherine the Great to her favourite Grigori Orlov, who however did not live to see its completion.

Menshikov Palace/photo:Deeg

Menshikov Palace

The ochre coloured palace on the university embankment is one of St. Petersburg’s oldest buildings. It was built from 1710 to 1727 and is a typical example of ‘Petrine Baroque’. Its owner was the city’s first Governor-General Alexander Menshikov, one of Peter’s closest associates.

Mikhailovskii Castle (foto: ld/.rufo)

Mikhailovskii Castle

Tsar Paul I. lived in fear of his life due to his political enemies, and had this castle built, protected by the rivers Fontanka and Moika, moats, drawbridges and guards. All in vain: In March 1801, shortly after its completion, Paul I was murdered there.

 Museum of the Political Police /photo:Deeg

Museum of the Political Police

The building now called ‘Museum of the Political Police’ was in the months following the October Revolution of 1917 the headquarters of the first Soviet state security service, the Cheka. The exhibition traces the history of the Russian secret service from its beginnings in the 19th century to the official dissolution of the notorious KGB in 1995.

Museum of Political History (foto: rufo)

Museum of Political History

The museum is located in one of the city’s most beautiful art nouveau buildings. The villa beside the Peter and Paul Fortress belonged to Mathilda Kschesinskaya, who was for many years prima ballerina of the Mariinksi Theatre and also mistress of the Tsar. But after the revolution, the Soviets used this as their headquarters.

Museum of the History of Religion photo: Deeg

Museum of the History of Religion

This museum is not only special to Petersburg, but also a rarity in global terms. Until 1999, the museum was housed in the Kazan Cathedral, where it was called in Soviet times “Museum for the History of Religion and Atheism”.

Nabokov Museum (foto: ug/rufo

Nabokov Museum

A grey-haired man brandishing a net in hot pursuit of butterflies – this is probably the most popular picture of Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov. But of course Nabokov’s main pursuit was not zoology, but writing. The author of the famous and infamous ‘Lolita’ came from St. Petersburg, and the house where he was born and grew up now contains a museum dedicated to him.

 Peter and Paul Fortress /photo:Deeg

Peter and Paul Fortress

The Peter and Paul Fortress is the undisputed heart of the city. The cornerstone of Sankt Piterburch (Peter the Great originally wanted the name to be in Dutch) was laid on 27th May, 1703. Designed to be a bastion against Swedish aggression, the Peter and Paul Fortress was never required to prove its strength. Instead it soon became one of the most notorious political prisons of Tsarist Russia.

Russian Museum / photo:Deeg

Russian Museum

What the Hermitage is for lovers of Western European and international art in general, the Russian Museum is for connoisseurs of Russian art. 400,000 exhibits bear witness to ten centuries of art history. The Russian Museum competes only with Moscow’s Tretyakov Gallery in its collection of the best of Russian art.

Summer Palace (photo:ld/.rufo)

Summer Palace

Peter the Great’s Summer Palace in the north east corner of the summer garden was built 1710-1714 according to a design by Domenico Trezzini, Petersburg’s first chief architect. The famous German architect Andreas Schlüter contributed to the interior design. The modest two-story palace was Peter’s summer residence. He lived in the ground floor, on the first floor lived his wife Catherine and their children.


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Der Sage nach hat Iwan der Schreckliche in diesem See bei Alexandrow seine Feinde und ungehorsame Untertanen ertränken lassen. Darum auch der Name Karinskoje osero - Bestrafungssee Baden empfiehlt sich auch heute nicht. (Foto: Kokorin/.rufo)

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Russische Ex-Miss Universum heiratet Deutschen
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60 Verletzte nach Terroranschlag auf Schnellzug
Schnellzug-Bombe: Vorhang auf zum Wahlkampf
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Der Russland-Aktuell
Freitag, 17. August

Russland am Wochenende: Wahlen in Kasachstan


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Bodensee-Katastrophe: Gericht will Kalojew entlassen


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Iwanow Wettfavorit auf russisches Präsidentenamt


Urteil im Mordfall Katscharawa sorgt für Aufsehen


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LKW reißt Brücke über Moskauer Stadtautobahn ein


Russland Geschichte: Schlacht bei Smolensk

Donnerstag, 16. August

Zenit geht siegreich in den UEFA-Cup


Russland morgen: Abschlussmanöver SOZ und Kurzfilme


Boris Becker-Beichte: Ermakowas goldene Nuss


Russland nimmt chinesisches Spielzeug aus den Regalen


Mord-Video: 23-jähriger Rechtsextremer festgenommen


Winterspiel-Stadt Sotschi reißt illegale Häuser ab


Shanghai-Gruppe will Drogen in Afghanistan bekämpfen


Luftfahrtmesse Maks: Russland präsentiert Abwehrrakete


73 neue Blautannen für den Moskauer Roten Platz


Bär zerfetzt Touristen im Osten Russlands


Bahn-Bombe: Suche nach Täter gestaltet sich schwierig


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Mittwoch, 15. August

Bombenanschlag: Russische Bahn will Sicherheit erhöhen


Russland morgen: SOZ, Putin, Jintao, Astrologentreffen


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Georgien: Russland schickt Militärexperten zur Aufklärung


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Russische Ex-Miss Universum heiratet Deutschen


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Dienstag, 14. August

Schnellzug-Bombe: Vorhang auf zum Wahlkampf


Russland morgen: Jakunin spricht über Bahn-Sicherheit


Umfrage: Moskauer trotz Terroranschlags gelassen


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Montag, 13. August

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